Month: August 2018

The aftermath

This weekend Adrienne was in Switzerland, so I was alone with the kids. We had a great time, first at the party with my colleagues and yesterday Thomas, Nils, and I went to the ‘Kermis’ (fun fair). It was nice, but now I am completely destroyed. Staying within my boundaries has always been a challenge.
So I feel like I have to add a side note to my acceptance statement of yesterday. I still think that accepting your current state is important, but accepting limitations and consequences is as well.
I am happy that Adrienne is back, but I had a nicer reunion in mind than sitting on the couch and feeling like a sack of potatoes. Nonetheless, I am happy with the things I did this weekend and I am not sure wether I would have done things differently in retrospect.

Posted by Bram, 0 comments

Great get-together with old colleagues/friends

Yesterday I went to the house of a former colleague and good friend for a get-together with colleagues/friends from when I was working at the Eindhoven University of Technology some ten years ago. She organized this gathering to celebrate me doing so great. It was fantastic to see everyone again. Even though I had seen many of the people at Prof. Bart’s retirement in December, it felt like ages ago since I saw them.

Feeling sick feels like ages ago.

Our family just returned from a short vacation in Riga (Latvia) and Zürich (Switzerland) and even though I still am not as fit as a healthy person, we had a great time and everything went well. How things were or what might have been, has moved to the back of my brain.

Animals are still masters in accepting things as they are, living in the here and now, and just making the most of a situation without lingering on what was, or might have been. I am sure that when we embrace just a sliver of this attitude to life, our everyday experiences can be a lot brighter.

Posted by Bram, 0 comments

Case report

I have become a published case report. A somewhat dubious honor. (Click on the picture for a link to the article). I am still doing fine by the way.

Posted by Bram, 0 comments