We moved to the Philippines three months ago. Things have been going well. It took some time, but we finally moved into our apartment last month. The kids have started school, and we have settled into our new life.
But since a week or two, I have been feeling exhausted and most of my old MS symptoms have returned (as they do when I am tired). So much so, that I felt like this was not ‘normal.’
I went to a hematologist here, which was a new experience. No appointment just on a ‘walk-in’ basis, waiting in a waiting room with a huge TV showing some loud Filipino soap-opera until it was my turn and paying in cash to the secretary afterward.
She ordered a blood test, which I had this morning. Generally, my blood cell counts were low but climbing, from when they were measured last in December.
What was not in order was my thyroid function. Hyperthyroidism can be a result of the HSCT treatment I had (Graves’ disease).
More tests will follow with the endocrinologist next week. Until then, I have started on a low dose of Thiamazole.
Thyroid disease is still a lot better than either recurring lymphoma or MS. Nonetheless, as much as I like Pokémon, my intention with diseases is not to “catch ’em all”.
Laten we maar hopen dat je nu snel je energie weer terugkrijgt.
Great, that you could the answer fast, could be very frustrating to wait.