My view these past days
I have forgotten how many days have passed since my stem cells were introduced, maybe it is day 11? I have to ask one of the nurses. I developed a lot very localized pain in my colon on Saturday morning, with a 38.8C fever. They took blood for blood cultures, and started me on a potent broad spectrum antibiotic. To suppress the pain they also connect me to a continuous morphine pump. Today I am feeling a bit better, I have been out of bed to walk a few rounds over the department, and the tummy pain is less. The last days I have been extremely tired, and subdued. I spent most of the days either half or fully asleep in bed. I asked the doctor to stop the morphine this morning and even though my pain is not yet completely gone it is much less than before. As a consequence of stopping the morphine, I don’t feel so drowsy anymore. Hopefully soon my blood values will rise again.
Heel veel sterkte Bram! Hopelijk gaat het snel wat beter!
Wachten op de ommekeer…. 0,1% is al hoopvol!! Hou vol Bram en ook Adrienne!