They called

They indeed called. Well, the neurology department’s secretary called to inform me that an appointment has been made at 12h on Monday. This appointment will be with my neurologist and the hematologist. In this meeting, they will talk about the diagnosis and the treatment plan. The secretary told me that if I wanted, I could look at the biopsy samples myself in the pathology department after this meeting, my neurologist could arrange that.
I still have no clue what the diagnosis is, and at this moment I also don’t know anymore what to hope for. Clearly, there is something going on in my brain that needs treatment as it doesn’t seem to go away by itself.
It is hard to believe, that even after ten weeks of being told that there are multiple cancerous lesions in my brain, I am still only at the beginning of this journey. There will be many more nerve wrecking days ahead.


Let’s embrace this experience and make the best of it. If it doesn’t kill us it will make us stronger. 🙂

Serieus? De secretaresse… wat een fatsoen zeg. In ieder geval heel veel sterkte! Ben je binnenkort nog in voor een kopje thee? Of maak ik het je dan te lastig?

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